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Commix on Kali Linux: The Complete Guide


Commix (Command Injection Exploiter) is a very popular tool among pentesters and cybersecurity enthusiasts. It is designed to help detect and exploit command injection vulnerabilities in web applications. In this article, we will discuss what Commix is, how it works, and how to use it in Kali Linux to identify vulnerabilities in web applications.

What is Command Injection?

Command injection is a type of security attack that occurs when an attacker is able to inject their operating system commands into an application that is executed on a server. This is a very dangerous form of injection attack because it can give the attacker complete control over the vulnerable system. In this context, Commix serves to find and exploit such vulnerabilities.

Why Choose Commix?

Commix is ​​a very effective and easy-to-use open-source tool for testing command injection vulnerabilities. Some of the advantages of Commix include:

  • Automation: Allows users to automatically detect and exploit command injection.
  • Compatibility: Can be used on various operating systems, including Kali Linux.
  • Ease of Use: Has an intuitive command-line interface.

Installing Commix on Kali Linux

Kali Linux is a distribution specifically designed for penetration testing and comes pre-loaded with many security tools, including Commix. To ensure that Commix is ​​installed, you can use the following command:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install commix

Once the installation is complete, you can verify that Commix has been installed correctly using the command:

commix --version

How to Use Commix

  1. Starting Commix

To start Commix, simply run the commix command in your terminal. The basic command to run Commix is:

commix -u <target URL>

For example, if you want to test a specific URL for vulnerabilities, you could use:

commix -u
  1. Exploitation Modes

Commix has several exploitation modes that allow users to customize their attacks based on their needs. Here are some commonly used modes:

  • Classic Mode: This mode attempts a basic command injection method.
commix -u --classic
  • Eval Mode: This mode attempts to exploit a vulnerability that can execute commands via the eval function.
commix -u --eval
  • Reverse Shell: You can use Commix to get a reverse shell to the target system.
commix -u --os-shell
  1. Additional Options

Commix also offers a variety of additional options to increase flexibility in testing:

  • Custom Header: You can add custom headers to HTTP requests.
commix -u --headers="User-Agent: custom-agent"
  • Cookie Injection: To test for vulnerabilities in cookie data.
commix -u --cookie="PHPSESSID=xyz"

Best Practices in Using Commix

  1. Legality: Make sure you have explicit permission before testing on any system.
  2. Manual Analysis: Although Commix is ​​automated, it is always recommended to perform manual analysis to ensure the results are accurate.
  3. Regularly Update: Commix is ​​frequently updated to improve features and fix bugs. Always use the latest version.


Commix is ​​a very useful tool for pentesters to detect and exploit command injection vulnerabilities. With proper usage and following security ethics, Commix can help secure web applications from malicious attacks. Hopefully, this guide has given you a deep understanding of Commix and how to use it in Kali Linux.

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